The Science | REGYMEN Fitness
Afterburn: The Body’s Secret Weapon
Want to maximize your calorie burn in an easy, natural way? Look no further: the REGYMEN workout is backed by exercise science: as long as you put in the work, it works for you.
Our workouts unleash the amazing natural effect we call Afterburn. Afterburn, known in the scientific community as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), is an effect caused by the body’s continued need for oxygen after cardio and resistance training.
Once you’ve finished an intense round of exercise your body is just getting started. It must replenish its energy sources, re-oxygenate your blood, return breathing rates to pre-exercise levels, among other tasks. To accomplish all of this and return back to its normal state, your body must consume energy, and conveniently, that energy comes from you. This means post-exercise calorie burn no matter where you go or what you do after your workout. EPOC is EPIC, wouldn’t you say?
Studies show that the superior method in achieving the greatest amount of Afterburn is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Your calories won't know what HIIT them
HIIT is a technique that offers incredible benefits for human beings. HIIT training sweeps your body into action through intense bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods, which may be active or resting. These intervals of all-out effort burn more fat in less time and keep your heart rate in the optimum zone. REGYMEN workouts use HIIT training to give you a greater level of fitness and transform your body into a calorie burning furnace.
Get ready to experience:
More calories torched. Intervals of high intensity exercise allow your body to burn more calories, resulting in faster weight loss.
Post-workout afterburn. Following your workout your body keeps shaving off the calories, up to 15% of those burned, even though you’re at rest.
Energy that goes ZOOM. HITT workouts help you produce more of the hormone HGH, which burns fat, builds muscle, AND increases energy levels.
Variety is the spice of life
Increases Your Motivation
Helps You Shatter Plateaus
Decreases Your Risk of Injury
Prevents Your Muscles From Adapting
Keeps Out The Evil Twins Burnout and Boredom
Stops You From Ghosting Your Workout Buddy
15 Minutes or More in Yellow & Red Zones Combined
- Women 400–600 Calories
- Men 700–1000 Calories
- Post Workout Afterburn: 6–15% of Total Caloric Burn
- Earn 150 Myzone Effort Points in the Workout (MEPS)
- Gray Zone = 1 point/min
- Blue Zone = 2 points/min
- Green Zone = 3 points/min
- Yellow Zone = 4 points/min
- Red Zone = 4 points/min