Preschool Curriculum

The STREAMin3 curriculum is designed to foster comprehensive development in children, preparing them for success in kindergarten and beyond. It emphasizes six STREAM skills and five Core Skills, ensuring a holistic approach to education that nurtures cognitive, academic, social-emotional, and physical growth.


  • Science 
  • Technology
  • Reading
  • Engineering
  • Art
  • Math

5 Core Skills:

  • Relate: We nurture a child's ability to connect with adults, interact with peers, and cultivate their evolving self-awareness
  • Regulate: We foster a child’s ability to manage their emotions, attention, and behavior.
  • Think: We foster a child’s ability to think deeply about and make sense of the world around them.
  • Communicate: We support the development of communicate skills by intentionally encouraging children to use language.
  • Move: We support the development of gross and fine motor skills, as well as a child’s ability to care  for themselves. 

This curriculum ensures that children receive a well-rounded education, equipping them with the necessary skills for their future academic and personal success.