Continue Your Recovery After Therapy

The Transitions Program is a partnership program between the YMCA of South Hampton Roads and Sentara Therapy Centers, designed to assist you with an exercise plan that will help improve recovery from surgery, injury and other medical conditions.

Pre-Surgery Exercise Program


You can improve your health and recovery by participating in the Transitions exercise program before surgery. The program can help you strengthen muscles, control weight, improve cardiovascular function, reduce pain, improve range of motion, strength and ambulation, reduce risk of blood clots and reduce recovery time after surgery.

Post-Rehab Exercise Program


You can enhance your recovery through our post-rehab exercise program, especially if you were not able to achieve all of your functional goals during therapy. This program will help with continued supervised exercise progression, improved cardiovascular fitness, strength and balance, and is cost-effective when insurance benefits limit therapy.

YMCA Transitions Program Overview

Initial Assessment The initial assessment evaluates your ability to move and function. From this assessment, a personalized exercise program is developed for you to follow.
Session 1–2 Your first sessions include a one-on-one orientation and introduction to an exercise program incorporating the Y’s personal fitness program.
Session 3–7 Group sessions with up to three other participants and your Transitions Coach.
Session 8 In your final session, you will plan next steps to maintain an ongoing healthy lifestyle.

Program Fees

Cost: $260 ($336 value)
The Transitions Program includes eight sessions of instruction with a Transitions Coach at the Y as well as two months of YMCA membership.

The Transitions Program is available at Currituck Family YMCA.