We're heeding the call of local, state and national officials and taking steps to protect the health and well-being of our community.
We're heeding the call of local, state and national officials and taking steps to protect the health and well-being of our community.
March 23, 2020
Thank you for being a valued member of our Y family. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create global shifts and uncertainty, we wanted to communicate with you about our future together.
With the closure of our YMCAs extended through June 10 following the mandates and recommendations of officials, we too feel the worry that such uncertainty has brought. However, one thing remains—when we stand with our neighbors through moments that seem dark, we come out even stronger for it. As a Y movement strongly rooted in charitable non-profit work for over 170 years, we have maintained and adapted to serve the most pressing needs of our communities and the people who call those communities home. In times of crisis, we hold fast to this commitment.
As we continue to serve our community's needs in new and different ways, we are asking you to stay with us and keep your membership active if it's within your means. Your membership allows us to fulfill our mission and to continue serving the communities we love.
Looking to the future, your membership today will help us be the Y you remember when we are able to open our doors again. We are grateful for the overwhelming support of members who are continuing their membership during this closure.
We have set up several membership options to best serve you during this time.
Because membership dues are scheduled to draft for some members as early as March 28, please let us know as soon as possible which option you are choosing by visiting ymcashr.org/stay-with-us. Our staff is working as quickly as possible to respond to every request. Please know that your Y is so eager to serve you and we look forward to the day we can all be together again at the Y.
Thank you again for being a part of our YMCA. We are honored to work alongside you in building a stronger, healthier community for all. Please take care of yourself and one another. Our community is strong and, together, we will get through this.
In health,
Anthony Walters
President and CEO
YMCA of South Hampton Roads