Personal Training | YMCA at Edinburgh
You can and you will. With the right personal trainer.
YMCA Certified Personal Trainers are here to help take your fitness to the next level, with guided individualized exercise programs to help you achieve and maintain your health and wellness goals. Our trainers are attentive to your health and wellness history so that you can experience a comfortable, safe and non-intimidating environment, regardless of your age or ability. Personal training sessions are available as private sessions, partner sessions or in small groups.
Personal training rates are as low as $11.25/session for small group training and $25/30 minutes or $32/hour for private training.
Meet Our Trainers
Louisa Evans
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM Cardiorespiratory Training for Fitness
NASM Integrated Resistance Training
NASM Integrated Flexibility Training
NASM Neuromuscular Stretching
NASM Integrated Balance Training
NASM Integrated Core Training
TRX Qualified
VITL Qualified
IFTA Indoor Cycling Instructor